

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Never Forget

For a long time now there has been something on my mind. Homeless animals its a sad fact of life and even sadder to see everyday. When I first moved into our rented home almost five years ago I would see many animals all over. There were way more cats then dogs and I being a lover of cats could not bear to see them looking for food or any water they could find. I live in Phoenix AZ so in the summers its so hot like 116 in the day and 90 to 95 at night. Now if the news is telling you to bring your animals inside you know its hot. So I started to call no kill shelters and animal rescue facility's and really got no help there was no programs where someone would pick up homeless cats and take them in. All I found was animal rescue for dogs. Why you ask well they told me cats are wild and dogs are not. Well that did not sit well with me so I kep looking for something and what I found was the feral cat project. What they do is to reduce feline homelessness through trap, neuter/spay and then return to the place they were found.

Left unaltered, free-roaming cats continue to reproduce creating more homeless kittens.  Through TNR, free-roaming cats live out their lives without adding to the homeless cat population.  According to scientific studies, free-roaming cats gain weight and live healthier lives after being altered. TNR programs are proven to stabilize and significantly reduce the size of free-roaming cat colonies.  By limiting free-roaming cat populations, fewer unwanted and homeless cats are taken to shelters 

It is heart breaking to see animals that need us and so many just pay no mind to it. But if we all work together to help this then it will cut down the homeless cats by manys. I have started to do this and have taken it one step further buy not only trying to get all the cats in my neighborhood spayed or neutered but also find them homes as well. I put adds up on crags     list and adds up in my local supermarkets. I print up flyers and put them on cars and so far I have found homes for 25 cats. Not alot but its something now you dont have to go as far as me but just getting them spay and neutered is whats going to make all the difference.



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